Covid-19, whilst we’re all desperate to move on and for things to get back to ‘normal’, there’s no escaping the impact the virus has had on everyday life. Everything has been affected – not least the way we interact with people and the space around us.
This renewed awareness of our surroundings has forced many educational establishments to take a fresh look at how they operate and the facilities they have on offer. With restrictions and guidance pushing leaders to rethink approaches, adapt, and – in many cases – improve.
So, if we’re to take anything constructive away from the pandemic it’s that it has motivated schools to invest in positive change. But as we approach the 19 July, with hopes pinned on a return to the life we once knew, it’s important not to get complacent.
Maintaining safe, practical and clean toilets has always been a challenge in schools. Frequently neglected and left out of renovation plans, yet a key area responsible for the spread of germs, many school bathrooms fall short on cleanliness, usability, durability, ease of maintenance – not to mention the aesthetics!
If investing in changes that will address all these factors isn’t motivation enough, then here are even more reasons why now is the time to act…
Why now?
Reduce the spread of infection
While it’s hoped masks and class bubbles will soon become a thing of the past, the risk of school toilets being a hot spot for spreading infection is unlikely to disappear.
And there’s not just coronavirus to worry about. Yes, this horrible illness has dominated both the headlines and our lives for the past 18 months, but the transmission of infectious diseases and illness isn’t a new problem for schools.
Close contact, hot stuffy classrooms, pupils contained in small, poorly ventilated areas, shared equipment and desks, poor handwashing practices – the list goes on – all meaning schools have long been notorious for spreading infection. Which is why making changes to improve handwashing and raising the bar with hygiene is always going to be a positive step forward to protect staff and pupils.
Public confidence
Public confidence is at an all-time low. With increased focus on personal space and hygiene, anything that can be done to improve handwashing facilities is going to be well received.
Not only that, if you’re looking to encourage students to return to school in September with a positive spring in their step, enhancing their learning environment is an excellent way to do it.
Modern, attractive surroundings, that don’t stop at the toilet door, are also a sure-fire way to impress both old and new pupils. Showing a commitment to health as well as education.
Minimal disruption
Carrying out work in the school environment presents its own set of challenges – for the contractor, the school and those who attend.
There’s no point in pretending it’s easy, but a great way to minimise disruption? Carry out work during the summer holidays.
This presents an excellent window of opportunity to ensure any disturbance to staff and pupils is either non-existent or kept to an absolute minimum.
The drier, lighter conditions of the summer months are also a boon, meaning work is less likely to be blighted by bad weather and setbacks, and mess is kept to a minimum.
Time to upgrade your toilets?
If your school toilets are unable to live up to the demands of post-pandemic requirements and hygiene standards, now is the time to do something about it.
Here at ONVO, we specialise in the provision of quality washroom fittings for educational settings. With lead times you can rely on, and high-quality products designed and manufactured specifically with the needs of the school environment in mind.
Our wash trough sinks and wash fountains revolutionise both the style and standard of school toilets. Take a look at the detailed product information and for more advice and guidance on making changes to your school bathroom, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.
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